Here at Pet Id Tags Express we engrave all kinds of messages for our customers. We will engrave whatever you request however if you’re in need of some advice or inspiration take a read through this informative guide.
The primary purpose of an engraved tag for your pet is to allow anyone who finds your pet should they stray or be separated from you to be able to easily contact you so that you can be reunited as quickly as possible
So, you should definitely put your telephone number as a minimum and your address.
Some addresses can be really long, but in the U.K the House number or name plus the postcode are all that are required to identify any address.
In the U.K yes there are. The Control of Dogs Order 1992 makes it an offence for a dog to be in a public place without a collar inscribed with the owner’s name and address or a collar with a tag with the owners name and address. The fine for breaching this law could be up to £5000.
Most dog wardens and the Kennel Club advise that a contact telephone number is also added to the tag or collar.
Read our full guide to Pet Tags and the U.K Law by clicking this link
It is a popular choice by many of our customers and can be a useful way of alerting anyone who may find your pet to their chip which can in turn identify you. However it is not a legal requirement to put it on their tag. Stray dogs collected by local authorities and those found and taken to vets are normally scanned to read microchips as a routine. It’s the law in the U.K that all dogs over 8 weeks old are microchipped and registered. Therefore you are advised to ensure that the registration details connected with your pet’s chip are up-to-date particularly if you’ve moved or they’ve changed.
If your pet has any medical conditions, has an illness, pet allergies, takes medication or requires any special care then it's strongly recommended that you put this information on their pet tag. It's important that should your pet stray or be lost that anyone who finds them is aware of any special care or attention that they may need before they can be safely retunred to you. You may need an additional tag or a two-sided tag to allow enough space to also put your contact details
At Pet ID Tags Express we have a range of specially designed pet tags to alert people to a medical conditions. They are called Medi-Alert Tags and they have the internationally recognised symbol of medicene, the caduceus symbol marked clearly as part of the tag design. This symbol is instantly recognisable because it has two snakes and wings on it.
A Medi-Alert pet tag is a simple way to alert anyone who may come into contact with your dog or cat that there is important information about their care that they should be aware of.
We always advise our customers that have dogs or cats with complex conditions to have two tags, one for identification and the other to detail the specific medical condition and simple instructions that would help in an emergency situation. Where possible the medi-alert pet tag should be on the top for easy identification.
Ordering a pet tag for dogs or cats with medical conditions from Pet ID Tags Express is easy click here to view our full range of Medi-Alert Pet Tags
If your're pet has allergies to specific foods or if you are managing their weight you may want to put do not feed on their pet tag.
This is a popular tag inscription for cat owners. Cats being social creatures if they are roaming cats often can be fed by others. People like to spoil pets both cats and dogs and you may prefer that certain treats are not given to them. It's quick and easy for our master engravers to engrave Please do not Feed or do not feed onto your pet tag. Simply enter the words on the page when you order and we'll put that on your tag for you no problem at all.
It’s really important if you are about to move home that you buy another tag with your new address engraved on it preferably before you move. If not before then as soon after as possible. A new home in a new location is likely to have a whole array of new scents for your dog which they are likely to be keen to explore. It will lack the known scents that orientate your dog to their location possibly making it more difficult for them to locate or retrace their path if they stray from your new home. Don’t forget your new home may not initially have as secure a permimeter as you need or appropriate gates and fencing this could make the possibility of your dog straying more likely. Make sure your dog’s tag is up to date so that in the unfortunate circumstances of them straying that you can easily be contacted.
If you have a holiday home that you visit frequently or for long periods it might be a good idea to get a second pet tag with the address and/or telephone number. Particularly if you are travelling overseas and have an international mobile telephone number.
It’s not unusual for people to change their landline or mobile telephone number. Make sure that your pet’s Id Tag is up to date with the new number.
Our Vets Numbers
Dog Walker
Doggie Day Care
Kennels or cattery
Funny Things to put on a pet tag